STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Readme

Command-Line Installation

The package installer can optionally be installed using via the command line with parameters.

stpst221200XXen.exe [operation] [mode] [options] [directories] 
  • [operation] = /install | /repair | /uninstall | /layout | /help
  • [mode] = /passive | /quiet
  • [options] = /norestart, /log logfile.txt
  • [directories] = InstallDirectory="install_folder" SamplesDirectory="samples_folder"
/install Installs a complete local copy of STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition using all the default options.
/repair Repairs the installed copy of STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition to the default condition.
/uninstall Removes the STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition installation from your computer.
/layout Used to create a deployment image.
/help Displays a dialog with the command-line parameters available.
/passive Only minimum display or prompts are given during the installation process.
/quiet Suppresses the display of all dialogs and prompts.
/norestart Suppresses any attempts to restart.
/log logfile.txt Logs the operations to a specific file named logfile.txt. By default a log file is created in %TEMP% unless a file path and file name is specified.
InstallDirectory="install_folder" Optional parameter used to specify the program installation folder. Use a full file path including the drive letter (e.g., D:\STAADPro\) and enclose the path in quote marks.

When not specified, the default location of C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\ is used.

SamplesDirectory="samples_folder" Optional parameter used to specify the folder where STAAD.Pro example and verification files are copied. Use a full file path including the drive letter (e.g., D:\STAADProSamples\) and enclose the path in quote marks.

When not specified, the default location of C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\Samples\ is used.